Reader Question Round Up: Micromanagers, Finding Work, and Entry Level Gigs
I’m now officially getting back into the content groove, I think. Last week I wrote at length about the subject of pair programming. And this week, I’m doing another reader question round-up.
I’m opting for the video format again for a couple of reasons. First, because I’m frankly having fun with it. And, second, because I think it works well for questions that I’d struggle to write a full length post about.
I know, I know. That seems hard to believe.
But, seriously, things like “how do I find an entry level Java development job” don’t really inspire me to bang out 2,000 words. And so they wind up just sitting in the backlog, gathering dust. I figure I might feel like writing about them later.
So I think this is a good compromise and a good way to do some topics justice.
This Week on the Round-Up
Now, without much further ado, I offer you a frame of the round-up. If you’re interested, the topics I cover in this video are as follows.
- What do I do, as a consultant, when a line manager tries to micromanage me?
- Name some better ways to find work as a freelancer than just blasting out “hey, I’m free” to your network.
- How do you get a job as an entry level Java developer after getting your degree?
- How do you use Javascript for something that’s going to have to last a long time?
Give it a watch below, if you’re so inclined. I included a couple of movie clips in this one for variety. So kudos to anyone who gets the references.