
Stories about Software


DaedTech Digest: New Year’s Edition

I’ve been taking it easy this last week, celebrating Christmas and also taking the rest of the week (mostly) off to spend time with family.  So I’ve done no normal posts and also don’t plan to have one on New Years Day.  Instead, I’ll pick back up next Wednesday.

But, I can take a few minutes out to sneak in a digest post.


  • I’ve been reading a series called The Expanse, by James Corey.  If you like sci-fi, I definitely recommend it.  I also understand that it’s a SyFy series as well.
  • For Christmas this year, I got a “jerkygram.”  If you love meat and jerky the way that I do, you’ll definitely enjoy this.
  • I’m doing a talk for a remote conference called The Developer on Fire Remote Conference.  This takes place January 22nd to January 24th, and you can catch me, John Sonmez, Jon Skeet, and many others.
  • I pick a little vacation time.  It’s been hard, but I’ve gotten my business interests to the point that I can actually take a vacation without it meaning that I have no income.  It’s restorative and, while I wholeheartedly endorse hustles and side hustles, you can’t go 365 days per year.

DaedTech Post Digest