
Stories about Software


DaedTech Digest: Code Quality, Feature Flags, and Physical Migration

Happy Friday, everybody.  It’s DaedTech Digest time today.

I am just wrapping up my work week and preparing to spend all day tomorrow (today, by the time you read this) driving south to the US Gulf Coast for the next 5 weeks.  Why?  Because it’s cold where I am in Michigan, and it’s not cold down there.

We’re planning a winter/early spring where we split time between a town called Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, San Diego, and Mesa Arizona.  So if you live in any of those places and have suggestions for places to go or meetups to attend, I’m all ears!


  • If you like posts along the lines of the one I made Wednesday, then I suggest a couple of podcasts.  First, the Freelancer’s show, and second, the podcast of one of the panelists, Jonathan Stark, called Ditching Hourly.  They talk a lot about positioning, marketing, getting business, and getting away from the trap of hourly billing.
  • If you have any interest in SEO and keyword research, I recommend a Chrome plugin called Keyword Keg.  I use this constantly for my content business to help look for good blog topics.  When you do Google searches, it shows you the keyword volume right inline.
  • Speaking of my content business, I’ll do a plug for the Hit Subscribe blog.  The blog is aimed at teaching techies to use blogging to advance their business interests.  So if you want to learn about blogging, give it a look.
  • On the coding side, I’ve been enjoying Shouldly a lot for its unit testing assertion semantics.

DaedTech Post Digest

Have a good weekend!

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[…] a Tuesday.  This time, my excuse involves the mini-move my wife and I made over the weekend that I originally mentioned on Friday.  So traveling, unpacking and all that.  But, better late than never.  Today, I’ll talk […]