Scoping And Accessibility Quirks in C#
As I mentioned recently, I’ve taken to using an inheritance scheme in my approach to unit testing. Because of the mechanics of this scheme, making a class under test internal this morning brought to light two relatively obscure properties of scoping and visibility in C# that you might not be aware of:
- Internal can be “less visible” than protected.
- Private isn’t always private.
Let me explain by showing the situation in which I found myself. As part of an open source project I’m working on at the moment to allow SQL-like querying of Autotask data through its API, I’ve been writing a set of tests on a class called “SqlQuery” in which I take a SQL statement and parse out the parts I’m interested in:
public class SqlQueryTest
protected SqlQuery Target { get; set; }
public void BeforeEachTest()
Target = new SqlQuery("SELECT id FROM Account");
public class Columns : SqlQueryTest
[TestMethod, Owner("ebd"), TestCategory("Proven"), TestCategory("Unit")]
public void Contains_One_Element_For_One_Selected_Column()
Assert.AreEqual(1, Target.Columns.Count());
Up until now the class under test, SqlQuery, has been public, but I realize that this is an abstraction that only matters in the actual lower layer assembly rather than at the GUI level, so I made it internal and added an InternalsVisibleTo to the properties of the assembly under test. With that in place, I downgraded the SqlQuery class to internal and was momentarily surprised by a compiler error of “Inconsistent accessibility: property type ‘AutotaskQueryService.SqlQuery’ is less accessible than property ‘AutotaskQueryServiceTest.SqlQueryTest.Target'”.
On its face, this seems crazy — “internal” is less accessible than “protected”? But when you think about it, this actually makes sense. “Internal” means “nobody outside of this assembly can see it” and protected means “nobody except for this class and its inheritors can see it.” So what happens if I create a third assembly and declare a class in it that inherits from SqlQueryTest? This class has no visibility to the assembly under test and its internals, but it would have visibility to Target. Hence the strange-seeming but quite correct compiler error. One way to get rid of this error is to make SqlQueryTest internal, and that actually compiled and all tests ran, but I don’t like that solution in the event that I want tests in that class and not just its nested children. I decided on another option: making Target private.
If you look at the code snippet above, are you now thinking “but that won’t compile!” After all “Columns” inherits from SqlQueryTest and uses Target and I’ve now just made Target private, so Columns will lose access to it. Well, no, as it turns out. The private scoping in a class means that only the things between the {} of the class can see it. Our nested class here happens to be one of those things. So the scoping trumps the hierarchy in this instance. This can easily be confirmed by changing Target to static and removing the inheritance relationship, which also compiles. The nested class, even when not deriving from the outer class, can access private static members of the outer class.
In the end, my solution here is simple. I make the Target private and move on. But I thought I’d take the opportunity to point out these interesting facets of C# that you probably don’t run across very often.