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The Pleasure of Using CodeRush

For some months now, I’ve been using CodeRush/DevExpress express (read: free) version, and I’ve just recently upgraded to the paid version. After playing with it for only a few short weeks, I’ve come to find it indispensable, so I thought I’d log a post highlighting some of my favorite features. These are relevant to C# 3.5 and up in Visual Studio 2010.

  • The “Issues List” is one of the first features that you might notice if you don’t turn it off because it puts various squigglies under things that it flags as issues. This includes dead code, overly-complicated methods, expressions that could be converted to lambdas, etc. This facet of the utility has immediate payoff in that it may make you aware of some coding practices that you hadn’t previously thought were issues. For example, I had squigglies every time I had something along the lines of:

    Foo myFoo = new Foo();
    CodeRush informed me that I could (should) use var instead of the declarative Foo. This took some getting used to for me, since the “var” looks suspiciously like weak typing and reminds me of Visual Basic 6.0 (which I do not count amount my favorite languages) and its “dim.” However, I see the logic in it. Declaring a Foo twice is needlessly verbose and redundant, so CodeRush has been helping me conform to what are, evidently, now best practices.

  • Ctrl-3 to encapsulate selected text in a region. This is simple but cool. I’ve got a bunch of functions or properties that I want to put into a region and I can just hit Ctrl-3, type the region name, and it’s done. (We can discuss the merits or lack thereof regarding regioning somewhere else, but for the time being I’ll simply state that it’s the convention in which I’m using CodeRush).
  • “mv”-space. This guy creates a new private void method and highlights the method name. So, you type mv-space, type the name of the method, hit enter, type your parameters, hit enter, and you’re off. Also, if you don’t like the method as private, you can hit alt-up/alt-down and cycle the visibility of the method.
  • “tne”-space. (In general, {expr}-space is the CodeRush paradigm for executing ‘templates,’ which are similar but more sophisticated than code snippets in Visual Studio.) This creates the code:

    throw new Exception("");
    and it places your cursor inside the quotes. I think that the default is to have it predicated by String.Format, but it’s seemed to learn that I’m more likely to throw exceptions with no variables than I am to include them in a formatted string.

  • NumberPad +/- highlights growing/shrinking amounts of text, respectively. So, if your mouse is on a string inside a method call that’s inside a method inside a region, continuously hitting + will highlight the string, then the method parameters, then the method call, then the whole method that you’re in, then the whole region, then the class. Minus will take you back down again. Very handy.
  • Tab to next reference. If you place the cursor over an identifier and start hitting tab, you can cycle through instances of the identifier in the code. Hitting escape will take you back to where you started. This is a huge improvement over Ctrl-K, R (find all references) in Visual Studio, which displays in a different window.
  • Smart Cut. One of the things I very much enjoy is being able to put my cursor at the beginning of a line, hit Ctrl-C, and then paste the line. There are a lot of other features of Smart Copy as well, but that one really sticks out for me as handy. Generally speaking, I try to avoid the mouse as much as possible, and this is a help.
  • Camel Case Navigation. Much like Ctrl-Arrow moves in chunks and Ctrl-Shift-Arrow highlights words in chunks, using the same while also holding down Alt navigates that way through CamelCaseWords.
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Alex Skorkin
14 years ago

Thanks for sharing this info. I’m collecting for CodeRush and Refactor! Probably you may find them useful.

Alex Skorkin
14 years ago
Reply to  Alex Skorkin

My apologies for the strange link – I couldn’t find an ability to edit comments.