
Stories about Software


Reader Question Round-Up: Niches, Being Consultative, and Career Plays

Wow, what a week in world politics, huh?  Well, let me tell you, if you’re looking to hear absolutely nothing more on that topic, then you’re in the right place, my friend.

The only partisanship here is over the music in my videos.  In previous editions of the reader question round-up videos, such as this one, I I featured background music throughout the video.  This week, I left that out, except in the intro and closing.

Early on when I was making videos, a few people suggested incorporating music.  More recently, people have suggested, well, unincorporating it.

Now, I honestly don’t care one way or the other.  I suppose it’s slightly less work to omit the music, but that really, honestly doesn’t matter much.  So I’m turning it over to mob rule and asking you all to weigh in.

If you have any opinion whatsoever on the music in the videos, please head over to this one and leave a comment on it voting yay or nay.

Do you have a question you’d like to see me answer?  Head to the “ask me” page and fire away!

This Week’s Picks

  • My first pick this week goes to a site called Podia, which published this article about earning more money as a developer.  Now, I’m picking this not only because it features my own site as well as the sites of some of my friends, but because they really nailed the outreach.  It wasn’t begging for a link or full of crap about why it was “in my readers’ best interests.”  Instead, they just sent a nice note saying, “hey, we featured you” and asking for nothing in return.  That’s how to do it, folks.
  • After some pretty lackluster experiences trying to find a travel agent lately, I was just booking a vacation through American Express Travel, when I noticed something called the “Travel Insiders Program.”  Intrigued, I emailed one of the insiders, got a prompt reply, and quickly found myself working with a great travel agent and having a great experience.  If you have an Amex card and want travel help, give it a look.

This Week’s Content Digest

The Round-Up Video