How Not to Be Blocked
In a recent post, I talked about how demoralizing it can be to sit around with nothing to do while waiting for someone else to finish a task that you need, fix something that you need, assign you something, etc. I think this is fairly universally known as “being blocked”. It seems nice to have an excuse to do nothing, but I think it makes anyone conscientious a little nervous that someone is going to come along and judge them for malingering, which is rather stressful.
I didn’t really go into details there, but there are many ways to be active, rather than reactive, about being blocked (I think most would have said “proactive”, but I think I kind of hate that word for seeming bombastically redundant — but don’t mind me if you use it because I’m weirdly picky and fussy about words). Taking action not to be blocked has a variety of benefits: alleviates boredom, helps your company, boosts your reputation, opens up potential additional opportunities, etc. The way I see it, being blocked is something that you can almost always manage and opt out of. When I worked in retail many years ago, there was an adage of “if there’s time to lean, there’s time to clean.” I would say the equivalent in the world of software development is “if you’re blocked, you aren’t trying hard enough.”
Things to do when you’re blocked:
- Start a wiki or sharepoint site. There’s no company or domain out there that can’t use more documentation and information for onboarding and general reference. And these collaboration mechanisms are perfect since they’re designed to be imperfect at first and refined over the course of time.
- Get a subscription to pluralsight and polish your skills. Whether for the sake of the company or the sake of your own career, there’s no engineer that couldn’t use a few new useful tidbits.
- Get ahold of a backlog of defects or nettlesome issues for one of the pieces of software your group writes/maintains, create a playpen, and dive in. You’ll learn more about the code and you might even solve one or more issues that have plagued the team for a while.
- Identify a pain point for your fellow developers and do something about it. For instance, if merges constantly mess up a file in your code base, write a utility they can use to validate that file. It’s a lot more useful to the company than reading reddit or slashdot and it’ll boost your cred with your fellow developers as well (that is, help you pass “the second test“).
- Ask the people around you if they need a hand with anything. There are often people willing to offload a task or two, especially if it’s grunt work or if they’re stressed and you’re keeping yourself busy and earning some pennies in heaven doing this.
- Offer to go through an existing code base, adding or creating documentation for it. This has the useful dual purpose of improving documentation and helping you learn the code. When you know something well enough to explain it to others, you know it pretty well.
- Abstract, abstract, abstract. If it’s a development task, make an assumption about the info you’re waiting on, and code the rest of the system as if this assumption were true. Then code the system in such a way that changing your assumption is simple. For instance, don’t say “I can’t work until we decide what RDBMS to use — just write some kind of CRUD interface that your system uses with no implementation and go on your merry way.
I think that’s more than enough ammunition to ensure that you’ll always have some non-loafing task to do at the office. If you can find a situation where none of those things is an option, then my hat’s off to you or, perhaps more appropriately, my sympathy goes out to you because you probably need to find a new job. But maybe you can take steps to avoid being blocked in the first place. This list is a bit more abstract and a much less foolproof, but I’d suggest the following practices to avoid being blocked in general.
- Seek out situations where you have multiple assignments at once. This requires managing expectations and good organization and prioritization skills, but the end result is that you’ll have approved, productive work to fall back on even when waiting for answers.
- Cultivate a healthy knowledge of the problem domain you’re working on. In my experience, a lot of blocking results from needing someone to tell you what “Taking the EBE out of the PHG with the ERBD” means. The more domain knowledge you have, the more chance you have of deciphering cryptic acronyms and jargon code that prevents you from figuring out what to do next.
- Seek out areas in which you’re the main decision maker, however small they may be. I understand that you cant’t exactly promote yourself to VP of Engineering, but if you seek out being in charge of something, even if it’s just a small, low priority tool or something ancillary, you
are unlikely to be truly blocked. - Become resident expert in some technology, product, facet of the business or tool that matters. Generally people who are expects (e.g. the database expert or the source control expert) are in high demand and can fill any lulls with meetings and cooperative sessions with those seeking their expertise.
If you have other ways to avoid being blocked, I’d be interested to hear about them in the comments. I think avoiding blockages is critical not only for preserving your reputation, but preserving your sense of purpose and, on a long enough timeline, your engagement and work ethic. Don’t fall into the trap of checking out due to lack of stuff to do. Make sure you have stuff to do. And, if all else fails, move on. Or, to adapt an aphorism I’ve heard from enough places so as to be unsure of the original source, “change your work circumstances or… change your work circumstances.”