
Stories about Software


Resumes and Alphabet Soup

I was reading a blog post by Scott Hanselman this morning. The main premise was a bemused lampooning of the ubiquitous tendency of techies to create a resume “alphabet soup” and a suggestion that Stack Overflow Careers is introducing a better alternative.

I was going to comment on this post inline, but I discovered that I had enough to say to create my own post about it. It seems as though this state of affairs for techies is, ironically, the product of living in a world created by techies. What I mean is that over the last several decades, we have made it our life’s goal to automate processes and improve efficiency. Those chickens have come home to roost in the form of automated resume searching, processing, and recommending.

Alphabet Soup Belongs in a Bowl

Having an item at the bottom of a resume that reads “XML, HTML, JSON, PHP, XSLT, HTTP, WPF, WCP, CSS… etc” is actually quite efficient toward its purpose in the same way that sticking a bunch of keywords in a web page’s hidden meta-data is efficient. It violates the spirit of the activity by virtue of the fact that it’s so good at gaming it as to be “too good”. As a job seeker, if I want to create the largest opportunity pool, it would stand to reason that I should include every three and four character combination of letters in existence somewhere in the text of my resume (“Strongly proficient in AAA, AAB, AAC, …ZZZZ”). And, while most of these ‘technologies’ don’t exist and I probably haven’t used most of the ones that do, this will cast a wider net for my search than not including this alphabet soup. I can always sort out the details later once my foot is in the door. Or, so the thinking probably goes (I’m not actually endorsing, in any way, resume exaggeration or the SPAMing the resume machine — just using first person to illustrate a point).

We, the techies of the world, have automated the process of matching employers with employees, and now, we are forced to live in a world where people attempt to game the system in order to get the edge. So, what’s the answer? A declaration that companies should stop hiring this way? Maybe, but that seems unlikely. A declaration that people should stop creating their resumes this way because it’s silly? That seems even more unlikely because the ‘silly’ thing is not doing something that works, and the alphabet soup SPAM works.

I think that this programmer-created problem ought to be solved with better programming. What we’ve got here is a simple text matching algorithm. As a hiring authority, I program my engine (or have the headhunters and sites program it for me) to do a procedure like “give me all the resumes that contain XML, HTML, CSS, and WPF”. I then get a stack of matching resumes from people whose experience in those technologies may range from “expert” to “I think I read about that once on some website” and it’s up to me to figure out which resume belongs to which experience level, generally via one or more interviews.

So, maybe the solution here is to create a search algorithm that does better work. If I were gathering requirements for such a thing, I would consider that I have two stakeholders: company and employee. These two stakeholders share a common goal, “finding a good match”, and also have some mildly conflicting goals — company wants lots of applicants and few other companies and employee wants lots of companies and few other prospective employees. It is also worth considering that the stakeholders may attempt to deceive one another in pursuit of the goal (resume padding on one end or misrepresenting the position on the other end).

With that (oversimplified) goal enumeration in mind, I see the following design goals:

  1. Accuracy for employers. The search engine returns candidates that are better than average at meeting needs.
  2. Accuracy for employees. Engine does not pair them with employers looking for something different than them, thus putting them in position to fail interviews and waste time.
  3. Easy to use, narrative inputs for employees. You type up a summary of your career, interests, experience, projects, etc, and that serves as input to the algorithm – you are not reduced to a series of acronyms.
  4. Easy to use, narrative inputs for employers. You type up a list of the job’s duties at present, anticipated duties in the future, career development path, success criteria, etc and that serves as input to the algorithm.
  5. Opacity/Double blind. Neither side understands transparently the results from its inputs. Putting the text “XML” on a resume has an indeterminate effect the likelihood of getting a job with an employer that wants employees with XML knowledge. This mitigates ‘gaming’ of the system (similar in concept to how search engines guard their algorithms)

Now, in between the narrative input of both sides, the magic happens and pairings are made. That is where we as the techies come in. This is an ambitious project and not an easy one, but I think it can and should happen. Prospective employees tell a story about their career and prospective employers tell a story about a hypothetical employee and matches are created. Nowhere in this does a dumb straight-match of acronym to acronym occur, though the system would take into account needs and skills (i.e a position primarily developing in C++ would yield candidates primarily with good C++ background).

Anyway, that’s just what occurred to me in considering the subject, and it’s clearly far too long for a blog comment. I’m spitballing this here, so comments and opinions are welcome. Also, if this already exists somewhere, please point me at it, as I’d be curious to see it.

(Alphabet soup photo is linked from this post which, by the way, I fully agree with.)