Last month, I wrote a post about integrated development environments (IDEs). As mentioned in that post, developers commonly debate the relative merits of lightweight text editors against heavyweight IDEs. But I suspect just about everyone can agree that if you do plan to use an IDE, you should maximize its utility. In other words, as long as you’re incurring the overhead, you should reap the benefits.
I work a great deal in the .NET space, which means that I spend a good bit of time using Visual Studio, an extremely heavyweight IDE. In the interests of full disclosure, I will admit to loving to work with Visual Studio. But that love has grown out of years of exploring it, tinkering with it, and learning to maximize my efficiency with it. If not for all that, it would seem only a glorified text editor that takes a lot longer than Notepad++ or Sublime to start.
Today, I’d like to offer some suggestions for getting more mileage out of Visual Studio. By no means is this an exhaustive list; that would require books and books, rather than a single blog post. Visual Studio has tons of capability. Rather, today, I’ll offer some tips and tricks you might not have seen previously.
Editorial Note: I originally wrote this post for the NDepend blog. You can check out the original here, at their site. If you enjoy posts about code quality and static analysis, add the NDepend blog to your feed.
I’ve made no secret that I spend a lot of time these days analyzing code bases as a consultant, and I’ve also made no secret that I use NDepend (and its Java counterpart, JArchitect) to do this analysis. As a result, I get a lot of questions about analyzing codebases and about the tooling. Today, I’ll address a question I’ve heard.
Can NDepend analyze a complex solution (i.e. more than 100 projects)? If so, how do you do this, and how does it work?
Can NDepend Handle It?
For the first question — in a word, yes. You certainly can do this with NDepend. As a matter of fact, NDepend will handle the crippling overhead of this many projects better than just about any tool out there. It will be, so to speak, the least of your problems.
How should you use it in this situation? You should use it to help yourself get out of the situation. You should use it as an aid to consolidating and partitioning into different solutions.
The Trouble with Scale
If you download a trial of NDepend and use it on your complex solution, you’ll be treated to an impressive number of project rules out of the box. One of those rules that you might not notice at first is “avoid partitioning the code base through many small library assemblies.” You can see the rule and explanation here.
We advise having less, and bigger, .NET assemblies and using the concept of namespaces to define logical components.
You can probably now understand why I gave the flippant-seeming answer above. In a sense, it’d be like asking, “how do I use NDepend on an assembly where I constantly swallow exceptions with empty catch blocks.” The answer would be, “you can use it to help you stop doing that.”
Editorial Note: I originally wrote this post for the NDepend blog. Check out the original here, at their site. If you like posts on the topics of static analysis and software architecture, check out the rest of the posts while you’re over there.
The software development world is filled with what I think of as “Coke-Pepsi” debates. This is how my brain categorizes debates over preference that are almost entirely subjective. There is no right or wrong answer to “is Coke or Pepsi better?” The answer is, “whichever one you like better.”
Examples abound in the software world. Should you use a heavyweight IDE or a lightweight text editor? Which OOP language is ‘the best?’ And, speaking of OOP, should you use an OOP language at all, or should you use a functional one? Pascal casing or camel? The list goes on, but these sorts of things generally boil down to the comfort and preferences of the person or team.
It would be tempting to paint NDepend Standalone versus NDepend’s Visual Studio plugin with this brush. And, while I think you could make a pretty legitimate case that this too, is simply a matter of preference, I’d like to do a thought exercise today in which I lobby in favor of the integration approach. In my opinion, there are enough advantages that I might be able to sneak this one out of the Coke-vs-Pepsi realm.
What’s The Difference?
First of all, I should probably explain a bit more about the difference. NDepend standalone runs like any standard, windows desktop application. In order to use it, you’d launch it and use it to query your code base, run reports, visualize your architecture, etc. If you wanted to modify your code and use NDepend simultaneously, you would have two open Windows that you would alt-tab between.
As a plugin, NDepend runs as if it were a part of Visual Studio itself. Visual Studio has a plugin-supportive architecture that allows third party tool authors to write plugins that behave this way. To users of the plugins, the integration is totally seamless. So for all intents and purposes, NDepend’s Visual Studio plugin makes NDepend a first class part of Visual Studio. Thus everything you do with NDepend and your code all happens in the same place: Visual Studio.
Why Is This Better?
I’d imagine the first thing that occurs to you is the lack of needing to alternate between two windows. And I submit that this is, in fact, an advantage, though this advantage only scratches the surface. Logistically, there is less friction in use when you don’t need to constantly context switch between two windows. And, even if you prefer to separate the concerns out into multiple windows (say, if you have multiple monitors), you can still do this inside of Visual Studio.
Editorial Note: I originally wrote this post for the Infragistics blog. Go check out the original post on their site and take a look around while you’re there to see some of the other authors posting interesting things.
Let’s say that, like many folks, one of your first tasks each morning is dealing with your email. You arrive at the office, grab yourself a coffee, and settle in to complete this ubiquitous modern task.
Naturally, the first thing you do is open your inbox. Then you open each unread email, select all, and copy it. Next, you open a new instance of Visual Studio, create a console project, add a text file to it, and paste the email text into that text file. By the end of doing this, you have somewhere between 2 and 20 instances of Visual Studio running, depending on how many unread emails you have. At this point, you’re ready to read the emails, so you alt-tab among the VS instances, closing each one after you’ve read the email.
This system works well for you, but there are two major drawbacks. First of all, it’s a real hassle to have to create a new project and a text file manually, and then open the text file. It’d be awesome if there were a way that you could make Visual Studio do this for you. And secondly, all of those instances of Visual Studio have a tendency to cause your machine to thrash, and they sometimes just crash.
A while back, I made a post encouraging people to get fed up every now and then and figure out a better way of doing something. Well, tonight I take my own advice. I am sick and tired of rifling through old projects to find code that I copy and paste into literally every non-trivial .NET solution that I create. There’s a thing for this, and it’s called Nuget. I use it all the time to consume other people’s code, libraries and utilities, but not my own. Nope, for my own, I copy and paste stuff from other projects. Not anymore. This ends now.
My mission tonight is to take a simple bit of code that I add to all my unit test projects and to make it publicly available view Nuget. Below is the code. Pretty straightforward and unremarkable. For about 5 versions of MSTest, I’ve hated the “ExpectedException” attribute for testing that something throws an exception. It’s imprecise. All it tests is that somewhere, anywhere, in the course of execution, an exception of the type in question is thrown. Could be on the first line of the method, could be on the last, could happen in the middle from something nested 8 calls deep in the call stack. Who knows? Well, I want to know and be precise, so here’s what I do instead:
public static class ExtendedAssert
/// Check that a statement throws a specific type of exception
/// Exception type inheriting from Exception
/// Action that should throw the exception
public static void Throws(Action executable) where TException : Exception
catch (Exception ex)
Assert.IsTrue(ex.GetType() == typeof(TException), String.Format("Expected exception of type {0} but got {1}", typeof(TException), ex.GetType()));
Assert.Fail(String.Format("Expected exception of type {0}, but no exception was thrown.", typeof(TException)));
/// Check that a statement throws some kind of exception
/// Action that should throw the exception
/// Optionally specify a message
public static void Throws(Action executable, string message = null)
Assert.Fail(message ?? "Expected an exception but none was thrown.");
/// Check that a statement does not throw an exception
/// Action to execute
public static void DoesNotThrow(Action executable)
catch (Exception ex)
Assert.Fail(String.Format("Expected no exception, but exception of type {0} was thrown.", ex.GetType()));
Now, let’s put this on Nuget somehow. I found my way to this link, with instructions. Having no idea what I’m doing (though I did play with this once, maybe a year and a half ago), I’m going with the GUI option even though there’s also a command line option. So, I downloaded the installer and installed the Nuget package explorer.
From there, I followed the link’s instructions, more or less. I edited the package meta data to include version info, ID, author info, and a description. Then, I started to play around with the “Framework Assemblies” section, but abandoned that after a moment. Instead, I went up to Content->Add->Existing file and added ExtendedAssert. Once I saw the source code pop up, I was pretty content (sorry about the little Grindstone timer in the screenshot — didn’t notice ’til it was too late):
Next up, I ran Tools->Analyze Package. No issues found. Not too shabby for someone with no idea what he’s doing! Now, to go for the gusto — let’s publish this sucker. File->Publish and, drumroll please…. ruh roh. I need something called a “Publish Key” to publish it to
But, as it turns out, getting an API key is simple. Just sign up at and you get one. I used my Microsoft account to sign up. I uploaded my DaedTech logo for the profile picture and tweaked a few settings and got my very own API key (found by clicking on my account name under the “search packages” text box at the top). There was even a little clipboard logo next to it for handy copying, and I copied it into the window shown above, and, viola! After about 20 seconds, the publish was successful. I’d show you a screenshot, but I’m not sure if I’m supposed to keep the API key a secret. Better safe than sorry. Actually, belay that last thought — you are supposed to keep it a secret. If you click on “More Info” under your API key, it says, and I quote:
Your API key provides you with a token that identifies you to the gallery. Keep this a secret. You can always regenerate your key at any time (invalidating previous keys) if your token is accidentally revealed.
Emphasis mine — turns out my instinct was right. And, sorry for the freewheeling nature of this post, but I’m literally figuring this stuff out as I type, and I thought it might make for an interesting read to see how someone else pokes around at this kind of experimenting.
Okay, now to see if I can actually get that thing. I’m going to create a brand new test project in Visual Studio and see if I can install my beloved ExtendedAssert through Nuget, now.
Holy crap, awesome! I’m famous! (Actually, that was so easy that I kind of feel guilty — I thought it’d be some kind of battle, like publishing a phone app or something). But, the moment of truth was a little less exciting. I installed the package, and it really didn’t do anything. My source code file didn’t appear. Hmmm…
After a bit of googling, I found this stack overflow question. Let’s give that a try, optimistically upvoting the question and accepted answer before I forget. I right clicked in the “package contents” window, added a content folder, and then dragged ExtendedAssert into that folder. In order to re-publish, I had to rev the version number, so I revved the patch decimal, since this is a hot patch to cover an embarrassing release if I’ve ever seen one. No time for testing on my machine or a staging environment — let’s slam this baby right into production!
Woohoo! It worked and compiled! Check it out:
But, there’s still one sort of embarrassing problem — V1.0.1 has the namespace from whichever project I picked rather than the default namespace for the assembly. That’s kind of awkward. Let’s go back to google and see about tidying that up. First hit was promising. I’m going to try replacing the namespace with a “source code transformation” as shown here:
Then, according to the link, I also need to change the filename to ExtendedAssert.cs.pp (this took me another publish to figure out that I won’t bore you with). Let’s rev again and go into production. Jackpot! Don’t believe me? Go grab it yourself.
The Lessons Here
A few things I’ll note at this point. First off, I recall that it’s possible to save these packages locally and for me to try them before I push to Nuget. I should definitely have done that, so there’s a meta-lesson here in that I fell into the classic newbie trap of thinking “oh, this is simple and it’ll just work, so I’ll push it to the server.” I’m three patches in and it’s finally working. Glad I don’t have tens of thousands of users for this thing.
But the biggest thing to take away from this is that Nuget is really easy. I had no idea what I was doing and within an hour I had a package up. For the last 5 years or so, every time I start a new project, I’d shuffle around on the machine to find another ExtendedAssert.cs that I could copy into the new project. If it’s a new machine, I’d email it to myself. A new job? Have a coworker at the old one email it to me. Sheesh, barbaric. And I put up with it for years, but not anymore. Given how simple this is, I’m going to start making little Nuget packages for all my miscellaneous source code goodies that I transport with me from project to project. I encourage you to do the same.
I am Erik Dietrich, founder of DaedTech. I’m a former programmer, architect, and IT management consultant, and current founder and CEO of Hit Subscribe.