
Stories about Software

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A Closer Look at the Efficiencer Firm

For Day 3 of Developer Hegemony Week, I'm going to up the stakes on the Thunderclap.IT campaign.  If you sign up, you could win a free paperback copy of the book.  I'm going to raffle off three books at random for everyone that signs up, but only if we meet the goal of 100 participants.  We're more...

Your Job Title of Tomorrow: Efficiencer

Since I boasted about this on Twitter, I have to follow through.  I'm going to do "Developer Hegemony Week" on my blog, leading up to the book launch on May 2nd.  (I suppose this makes Developer Hegemony Week a misnomer of sorts, since we're talking about 9 days of posts.)  I can think of no better...

Developer Hegemony, Revisited (And A Free Copy, If You Like)

In the "time flies" category, it's been over four years since I announced the release of Developer Hegemony. So I suppose it's old enough that I need to start giving it away for free, right?  Like the way really old books and classical music are somehow free?  I'm pretty sure that's how it works,...

Reader Question Round-Up: Corporate Culture, Code Quality and Counter Offers

Just when you thought I'd run out of steam, like some kind of content brown dwarf, I've found new life.  Seriously, it's weird to look at the blog and see that it's been a month since I've posted content. Oh well.  C'est la vie.  I've got content for you today. I just recently published...

The Renaissance of the Problem Domain as a First-Class Concern

Hey, look at that -- I'm writing a blog post again!  Seriously, apologies for the lull, but, hey, life happens. Enough of that, though.  Let's dive into some realio-trulio, software related content. I Read an Interesting (Horrifying) Tale This Morning Lately, instead of starting my day...